
Showing posts with the label awareness

TryHackMe | Security Awareness WriteUp

  An introduction to security awareness; why its important, the impact of being attacked, different threat actors and basic account security. Link - How many people were affected by eBay being hacked? 145 million What data was leaked from Playstation being hacked? names, addresses, e-mail, birth dates Who would most likely be interested in exploiting a business? Cybercriminals Who would most likely be interested in exploiting a personal computer for fun? Thrill-seekers Who would most likely be interested in exploiting a website to deliver a message? Hacktivists That’s it! See you in the next Room :)

TryHackMe | Phishing Emails 2 Walkthrough

  Learn the different indicators of phishing attempts by examining actual phishing emails. Link- What phrase does the gibberish sender email start with? noreply What is the root domain for each URL? Defang the URL. devret[.]xyz This email sample used the names of a few major companies, their products, and logos such as OneDrive and Adobe. What other company name was used in this phishing email? Citrix What should users do if they receive a suspicious email or text message claiming to be from Netflix? forward the message to What does BCC mean? Blind Carbon Copy What technique was used to persuade the victim to not ignore the email and act swiftly? Urgency What is the name of the executable that the Excel attachment attempts to run? regasms.exe That’s it! See you in the next Room :)

TryHackMe | Phishing Emails 1 Walkthrough

  Learn all the components that make up an email. Link- Email dates back to what time frame? 1970s What port is classified as Secure Transport for SMTP? 465 What port is classified as Secure Transport for IMAP? 993 What port is classified as Secure Transport for POP3? 995 What email header is the same as “Reply-to”? Return-Path Once you find the email sender’s IP address, where can you retrieve more information about the IP? In the above screenshots, what is the URI of the blocked image? In the above screenshots, what is the name of the PDF attachment? payment-updateid.pdf In the attached virtual machine, view the information in email2.txt and reconstruct the PDF using the base64 data. What is the text within the PDF? Use Cyberchef from Base64 and save the output as a pdf file. Open the pdf. THM{BENIGN_PDF_ATTACHMENT} What trusted entity is this email masquerading as? Decode the subject
