
Showing posts with the label code

TryHackMe | JavaScript Basics WriteUp

  Learn JavaScript, the high-level, multi-paradigm language of the web. Link - What type of data type is this: ‘Neo’? String What data type is true/false? boolean What is John’s occupation? Master Hacker What tag is used for linking a JavaScript file to HTML? script What type of brackets are used for arrays? [] What color pill did we choose? Red Pill What is the output of this code? Tyrell Loops repeat until the written code is finished running (true/false) true What loop doesn’t require the condition to be true for it execute at least once? do…while What is the DOM? Document Object Model What is it called when XSS is used to record keystrokes? Keylogging Sort the array [1,10,5,15,2,7,28,900,45,18,27] [1,2,5,7,10,15,18,27,28,45,900] That’s it! See you in the next Room :)

TryHackMe | Toolbox: Vim WriteUp

  Learn vim, a universal text editor that can be incredibly powerful when used properly. From basic text editing to editing of binary files, Vim can be an important arsenal in a security toolkit. Link - How do we enter “INSERT” mode? i How do we start entering text into our new Vim document? typing How do we return to command mode? esc How do we move the cursor left? h How do we move the cursor right? l How do we move the cursor up? k How do we move the cursor down? j How do we jump to the start of a word? w How do we jump to the end of a word? e How do we insert (before the cursor) i How do we insert (at the beginning of the line?) I How do we append (after the cursor) a How do we append (at the end of the line) A How do we make a new line under the current line? o How do we write the file, but don’t exit? :w How do we write the file, but don’t exit- as root? :w !sudo tee % How do we write and quit? :wq How do we quit? :q How do we force quit? :q!
