
Showing posts with the label honeypot

TryHackMe | Introduction To Honeypots Walkthrough

  A guided room covering the deployment of honeypots and analysis of botnet activities Link - Create a file and then log back in is the file still there? (Yay/Nay) Nay How many passwords include the word “password” or some other variation of it e.g “p@ssw0rd” 15 What is arguably the most common tool for brute-forcing SSH? hydra What intrusion prevention software framework is commonly used to mitigate SSH brute-force attacks? Fail2Ban What CPU does the honeypot “use”? Run command cat /proc/cpuinfo Intel(R) Core(TM) i9–11900KB CPU @ 3.30GHz Does the honeypot return the correct values when uname -a is run? (Yay/Nay) Nay What flag must be set to pipe wget output into bash? -O How would you disable bash history using unset ? unset HISTFILE What brand of device is the bot in the first sample searching for? (BotCommands/Sample1.txt) Do a simple google search of the processes Mikrotik What are the commands in the second sample changing? (Bot
