
Showing posts with the label defence

TryHackMe | Pyramid Of Pain WriteUp

  Learn what is the Pyramid of Pain and how to utilize this model to determine the level of difficulty it will cause for an adversary to change the indicators associated with them, and their campaign. Link - Provide the ransomware name for the hash ‘63625702e63e333f235b5025078cea1545f29b1ad42b1e46031911321779b6be’ using open-source lookup tools Conti What is the ASN for the third IP address observed? Host Europe GmbH What is the domain name associated with the first IP address observed? Go to this report on and provide the first malicious URL request you are seeing, you will be using this report to answer the remaining questions of this task. What term refers to an address used to access websites? Domain Name What type of attack uses Unicode characters in the domain name to imitate the a known domain? Punycode attack Provide the redirected website for the shortened URL using a preview: https(

TryHackMe | Windows Forensics 1 Walkthrough

Introduction to Windows Registry Forensics Link - What is the most used Desktop Operating System right now? Microsoft Windows What is the short form for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE? HKLM What is the path for the five main registry hives, DEFAULT, SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, and SYSTEM? C:\Windows\System32\Config What is the path for the AmCache hive? C:\Windows\AppCompat\Programs\Amcache.hve What is the Current Build Number of the machine whose data is being investigated? 19044 Which ControlSet contains the last known good configuration? 1 What is the Computer Name of the computer? THM-4n6 What is the value of the TimeZoneKeyName? Pakistan Standard Time What is the DHCP IP address What is the RID of the Guest User account? 501 When was EZtools opened? 2021–12–01 13:00:34 At what time was My Computer last interacted with? 2021–12–01 13:06:47 What is the Absolute Path of the file opened using notepad.exe? C:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigSe

TryHackMe | Jr Security Analyst Intro WriteUp

  Play through a day in the life of a Junior Security Analyst, their responsibilities and qualifications needed to land a role as an analyst. Link - What was the malicious IP address in the alerts? To whom did you escalate the event associated with the malicious IP address? Will Griffin After blocking the malicious IP address on the firewall, what message did the malicious actor leave for you? That’s it! See you in the next Room :)

TryHackMe | Red Team Fundamentals WriteUp

  This room is an introduction to red teaming Link - Would vulnerability assessments prepare us to detect a real attacker on our networks? (Yay/Nay) Nay During a penetration test, are you concerned about being detected by the client? (Yay/Nay) Nay Highly organised groups of skilled attackers are nowadays referred to as … Advanced Persistent Threats The goals of a red team engagement will often be referred to as flags or… crown jewels During a red team engagement, common methods used by attackers are emulated against the target. Such methods are usually called TTPs. What does TTP stand for? Tactics, techniques and procedures The main objective of a red team engagement is to detect as many vulnerabilities in as many hosts as possible (Yay/Nay) Nay What cell is responsible for the offensive operations of an engagement? Red Cell What cell is the trusted agent considered part of? White Cell If an adversary deployed Mimikatz on a target machine, where

TryHackMe | Vulnerabilities 101 WriteUp

  Understand the flaws of an application and apply your researching skills on some vulnerability databases. Link - An attacker has been able to upgrade the permissions of their system account from “user” to “administrator”. What type of vulnerability is this? Operating System You manage to bypass a login panel using cookies to authenticate. What type of vulnerability is this? Application Logic What year was the first iteration of CVSS published? 2005 If you wanted to assess vulnerability based on the risk it poses to an organisation, what framework would you use? Note: We are looking for the acronym here. VPR If you wanted to use a framework that was free and open-source, what framework would that be? Note: We are looking for the acronym here. CVSS Using NVD, how many CVEs were submitted in July 2021? 1585 Who is the author of Exploit-DB? Offensive Security What type of vulnerability did we use to find the name and version of the applicatio

TryHackMe | Redline Walkthrough

  Learn how to use Redline to perform memory analysis and to scan for IOCs on an endpoint. Link - Who created Redline? FireEye What data collection method takes the least amount of time? Standard Collector You are reading a research paper on a new strain of ransomware. You want to run the data collection on your computer based on the patterns provided, such as domains, hashes, IP addresses, filenames, etc. What method would you choose to run a granular data collection against the known indicators? IOC Search Collector What script would you run to initiate the data collection process? Please include the file extension. RunRedlineAudit.bat If you want to collect the data on Disks and Volumes, under which option can you find it? Disk Enumeration What cache does Windows use to maintain a preference for recently executed code? Prefetch Where in the Redline UI can you view information about the Logged in User? System Information Provide the Operatin
