
TryHackMe | Red Team Recon WriteUp

Learn how to use DNS, advanced searching, Recon-ng, and Maltego to collect information about your target. Link - When was created (registered)? (YYYY-MM-DD) 2021–09–24 To how many IPv4 addresses does resolve? 2 To how many IPv6 addresses does resolve? 2 How would you search using Google for xls indexed for filetype:xls How would you search using Google for files with the word passwords for passwords What is the shodan command to get your Internet-facing IP address? shodan myip How do you start recon-ng with the workspace clinicredteam? recon-ng -w clinicredteam How many modules with the name virustotal exist? 2 There is a single module under hosts-domains. What is its name? migrate_hosts censys_email_address is a module that “retrieves email addresses from the TLS certificates

TryHackMe | REvil Corp Walkthrough

  You are involved in an incident response engagement and need to analyze an infected host using Redline. Link - Upload the analysis file in Redline What is the compromised employee’s full name? John Coleman What is the operating system of the compromised host? Windows 7 Home Premium 7601 Service Pack 1 What is the name of the malicious executable that the user opened? WinRAR2021.exe What is the full URL that the user visited to download the malicious binary? (include the binary as well) What is the MD5 hash of the binary? 890a58f200dfff23165df9e1b088e58f What is the size of the binary in kilobytes? 164 What is the extension to which the user’s files got renamed? .t48s39la What is the number of files that got renamed and changed to that extension? 48 What is the full path to the wallpaper that got changed by an attacker, including the image name? C:\Users\John Coleman\AppData\Local\Temp\hk8.bmp The

TryHackMe | Advent of Cyber 3 (2021) Walkthrough

  Get started with Cyber Security in 25 Days — Learn the basics by doing a new, beginner friendly security challenge every day leading up to Christmas. Link - After finding Santa’s account, what is their position in the company? The Boss! After finding McStocker’s account, what is their position in the company? Build Manager After finding the account responsible for tampering, what is their position in the company? Mischief Manager What is the received flag when McSkidy fixes the Inventory Management System? Register an account, and verify the cookies using the Developer Tools in your browser. What is the name of the new cookie that was created for your account? user-auth What encoding type was used for the cookie value? hexadecimal What object format is the data of the cookie stored in? JSON Manipulate the cookie and bypass the login portal. What is the value of the administrator cookie? (username = admin) What team environment is not respondi

TryHackMe | Carnage WriteUp

  Apply your analytical skills to analyze the malicious network traffic using Wireshark. Link - After loading the pcap file in wireshark. Change the time display preferences. What was the date and time for the first HTTP connection to the malicious IP? (answer format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) check the HTTP traffic 2021–09–24 16:44:38 What is the name of the zip file that was downloaded? Check the contents of the packet What was the domain hosting the malicious zip file? Without downloading the file, what is the name of the file in the zip file? Right click the packet and follow HTTP stream chart-1530076591.xls What is the name of the webserver of the malicious IP from which the zip file was downloaded? LiteSpeed What is the version of the webserver from the previous question? PHP/7.2.34 Malicious files were downloaded to the victim host from multiple domains. What were the three domains involved with this activity? finejew

TryHackMe | JavaScript Basics WriteUp

  Learn JavaScript, the high-level, multi-paradigm language of the web. Link - What type of data type is this: ‘Neo’? String What data type is true/false? boolean What is John’s occupation? Master Hacker What tag is used for linking a JavaScript file to HTML? script What type of brackets are used for arrays? [] What color pill did we choose? Red Pill What is the output of this code? Tyrell Loops repeat until the written code is finished running (true/false) true What loop doesn’t require the condition to be true for it execute at least once? do…while What is the DOM? Document Object Model What is it called when XSS is used to record keystrokes? Keylogging Sort the array [1,10,5,15,2,7,28,900,45,18,27] [1,2,5,7,10,15,18,27,28,45,900] That’s it! See you in the next Room :)

TryHackMe | Toolbox: Vim WriteUp

  Learn vim, a universal text editor that can be incredibly powerful when used properly. From basic text editing to editing of binary files, Vim can be an important arsenal in a security toolkit. Link - How do we enter “INSERT” mode? i How do we start entering text into our new Vim document? typing How do we return to command mode? esc How do we move the cursor left? h How do we move the cursor right? l How do we move the cursor up? k How do we move the cursor down? j How do we jump to the start of a word? w How do we jump to the end of a word? e How do we insert (before the cursor) i How do we insert (at the beginning of the line?) I How do we append (after the cursor) a How do we append (at the end of the line) A How do we make a new line under the current line? o How do we write the file, but don’t exit? :w How do we write the file, but don’t exit- as root? :w !sudo tee % How do we write and quit? :wq How do we quit? :q How do we force quit? :q!

TryHackMe | Meltdown Explained WriteUp

  This room explains the technical details behind the Meltdown vulnerability. Link - what is it called when a program accesses a cache and finds the correct value? hit what is it called when a program accesses a cache and doesn’t find the correct value? miss What kind of memory does the virtual address contain(apart from user memory) kernel memory That’s it! See you in the next Room :)
